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Cualquiera que haya sufrido dolor del cuello sabe lo debilitante que puede ser. Un ligero movimiento del cuello puede ser increíblemente doloroso, especialmente cuando la lesión fue reciente. A medida que la afección se vuelve más crónica, el dolor del cuello se vuelve más rígido y doloroso con un dolor sordo. El rango de movimiento limitado y doloroso es comúnmente parte de esta condición. El cuello es una de las estructuras más móviles de nuestro cuerpo, por lo que es fácilmente susceptible a lesiones. Hay muchos tipos de afecciones que afectan el cuello, entre ellas; latigazo cervical, tortícolis, distensiones musculares y esguinces articulares, discos abultados y pinzamiento de nervios. El dolor del cuello es una de las principales causas de discapacidad en los Estados Unidos y está estrechamente asociado con los dolores de cabeza.

Find Relief From Your Neck Pain
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Now

Helpful Information About Neck Pain

What Causes Neck Pain?

There are many causes of neck pain such as auto accidents, sports injuries, trips and falls, or simply poor posture. In addition, many of us develop neck pain from the natural degeneration of our spine. All of these factors can lead to chronic, debilitating neck pain.

How Do You Evaluate Neck Pain?

When you visit our Celina-Prosper office, we will perform a physical examination to determine the cause of your neck pain. Using a gentle, holistic approach, along with a full health history, we uncover the root cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan that will get you on the path towards full recovery.

What Do You Do To Treat Neck Pain?

Typically, most neck problems occur when there's unwanted pressure on the nerves and tissues surrounding the bones in your neck. The most common treatment to resolve neck pack is a spinal alignment. This will likely eliminate the pressure on your nerves, allowing you to get your life back. 

It's Time To Stop Your Neck Pain For Good.
Click Below To Book Your Complimentary Consultation



In one week's time the pain and stiffness in my neck has subsided and my tremor is gone! My life has completely changed. I have more confidence in just a week since my tremor has stopped. I was so self-conscious of it and my pain and stiffness have improved greatly. I actually have range of motion again!!


I've been having serious trouble with my neck and not being able to sleep at night. But after five treatments I am sleeping really good throughout the night. The pain is just about gone in my neck and I am very happy with the results.


Dr. Dillan is the chiropractor to go to if you have any shoulder and/or neck pain. It is very obvious he is an expert at what he does. He takes the time to listen to what you have going on and comes up with a game plan to fix it. Dr. Dillan and this PAIN FREE life are the best!!

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